Monday, December 29, 2014

Geo 730: December 29, Day 728: Another Chimney

This is the chimney over the great hearth in the main guest lounge of Timberline lodge, the upper continuation from this photo. Most of the materials used in the construction of the lodge were, at the very least, shaped on site, and many, including most of the timber and stone were harvested nearby. In particular, I'm admiring the wrought iron wind vane above the chimney opening. You can see that, on this afternoon, the wind was coming from the southeast.

Keep in mind the purpose of the CCC and WPA projects was not to create wonderful historical artifacts such as Timberline, though it did have that outcome. The purpose was to provide meaningful employment for a generation of people, men, mostly, to help support themselves and their families during the Great Depression, but perhaps more importantly, marketable skills that the workers could use to stay employed in the future when the economy improved.

Photo unmodified. October 10, 2012. FlashEarth Location.

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