Thursday, January 24, 2013

Funny 3-D in 2-D

Yesterday, tweeted, "I can't believe I'm not finding any search results for "ternary diagram funny." Can any geologists out there help me out?" I did a search, and found this one, which is fun, but not too pertinent to the Hallowed discipline that is Geology. I also found one from Georneys, which I thought was pretty clever, but which Emily apparently thought was not up-to-par in the humor department. I sent those links along, but followed that tweet with "But you're right... most are seriously intended. This is indeed a void in the geologic literature, crying to be filled."

So, in the interest of opening up a new area of investigation in geology, here is my (first) suggestion for a funny ternary diagram:
Okay, it's not going to make anyone die laughing, but it's my first shot...

Here are a couple of blanks if anyone else wants to chime in.
(From Wikipedia) A more formal (and larger) blank ternary diagram:
Anyone else have any ideas? I'm giving this a "Memes" label, not because I expect that it will take off, but because I'd really love for it to do so.

Followup, 12:55 PST: Here's another...

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