Thursday, March 18, 2010

Too Much Information?

I follow a number of Oregon newspapers through my RSS. Portland's The Oregonian, OregonLive online, is pretty much the go-to source for Oregon news, but I like to read a variety of perspectives. The next paper in my mental ranking system has to be the Bend Bulletin. Bend is distinctly different in culture and political leanings than western Oregon generally, and the Portland-Willamette Valley area specifically. Today there's an announcement that they're going to go from posting about a half dozen articles a day to about fifty. We'll see if I have the patience to deal with that increased number... it's possible I won't. Which is too bad; the paper has some good writers and editors, and doesn't rely as heavily as many others on wire feeds. Also too, an engaging sense of humor:
Registered dietitian Jill Weisenberger once had a client who kept a puzzling food journal. The calorie counts were all out of whack. The woman's tuna sandwich had 33 calories. An apple: 144.Turns out the woman was mistaking a food-calorie book's index for a calorie chart.

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