Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday Funnies

Hey Boys and Girls! Do you know what time it is?That's right! It's time for Sunday Funnies! I adore the clock on the right, and the one on the left isn't bad either. From Dark Roasted Blend. (The posts there are lonnngggg... so you'll need to scroll down a ways to find this picture.)
As I mentioned in my previous post, it's also time for outdoor recreation; the above (From Saturday Bulletin) depicts an all-too-common version of Oregon watersports when the still winter-cold water of our streams and lakes is mixed with air temps in the upper 70's, sunshine and intoxicants.Lots of people are cooking outdoors. Some will undoubtedly feel ill afterwards. (From Criggo, of course)
Santa is on Vacation, too. All 30 of him. Isn't cloning da Bomb? This is from "Picture is Unrelated," (front page here) which, as I mentioned last week, is best thought of as a surreality show. Some of the site's selections are actually kind of disturbing, but many are just weird. In a funny way. From this post. I sort of pity that poor woman. She probably has to deal with this every night.

I ended up picking three pictures from that site this week...
You can't really appreciate Spider Man unless you read the comics in the original Hindi. For example, in the original version, Peter Parker is not only bitten by a radioactive spider, he's mauled by a mutant elephant. (From this post)

Speaking of surreal...
...this could be more so, but it'd be difficult. For example, I think that putting it between a pair of buns- bread buns, that is- would actually make it seem more, not less, reality-challenging. (From This is Why You're Fat: The Pattie LaBurger, a triple bacon cheeseburger with deep fried patties as buns.)

E.B. Misfit found a hilarious light switch advertisement,
and you really should click over to read the precaution she posted.

gDub was in the news again this week for talking about cleaning up after his dog to a bunch of schoolchildren. I have to say, it's a relief to hear from him rather than Darth Cheney. As I've commented before, I don't like posting others' work in entirety; I'd rather pull an excerpt and forward readers to the original author for the real punchline (as I did with E.B.'s picture above... seriously, go read the punchline). But sometimes it's just so short and sweet that you can't capture any of it unless you grab all of it. Such was the case in a post from Library Grape earlier this week. Good Blog. (Front page here)"Bush says cleaning up his dog's droppings is a sobering reminder that he's no longer president.

Obama says cleaning up the Bush administration's droppings is a sobering reminder that he is."

And before I forget to mention it, I don't often drop real news into my humor posts, but the Guardian's Hadley Freeman wrote a hilarious, yet informative, analysis of Cheney's unfamiliar eagerness to get in front of the cameras, after eight years of hiding in an "undisclosed location."
Cheney accomplished much during his time as vice-president. But perhaps his most extraordinary feat has been pulled off since he emerged from his bunker. He has managed to make George Bush – the former fratboy who once nearly choked to death on a pretzel – look the very model of a dignified statesman. Now that's what I call supporting your president.
Another thing I don't do too often is post advertising; it has to be either really appealing to me (most often, that means funny), or for a cause towards which I feel strongly supportive. Jen at Cakewrecks hit a double with the following: She posted some new clothing items and logos today. I L'dOL. (L'dOL looks like something a French Homer Simpson would say.) What? Yes, of course that logo is based on a real cake...
Abstruse Goose will undoubtedly be responsible for inumerable broken computer monitors:Given that Sunday funnies almost always happen on Sunday, I think it's appropriate to ask "Is sacreligion really a valid religion?" And if you don't think that's a brave question to ask, Bob Tzu at Duhism would like to inform you, "The opposite of bravery is not cowardice, it's yrevarb."political-pictures-becky-fisher-word-christ
see more Political Pictures

Speaking of sacrilege, Stephen Colbert has that quality nailed...
stephen colbert
see more Political Pictures

...and so does this kitteh:
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

XKCD posits ways in which we can get children intersted in science. Click here for a less squint-worthy, embiggened version.All the science bloggers were posting this PhD comic earlier in the week, but it's really not all that funny...
...because it's too goddamn true. Case in point...
ida, darwinius masillae
see more Political Pictures

The first news I saw of this was in a NYT article (which I will try to track down), talking about the enormous, coordinated effort to bring an unprecidented media blitz down at the same time the studies on this fossil were published. I'm recalling here, so this might not be verbatim, but one scientist said the experience "felt like a banjo picker trying to jam onstage with Pink Floyd." I was pretty sure then that the whole thing would be a fiasco. To see a comic illustrating the accuracy of the above caption, see this BizarroBlog comic. And as long as you're over there, take a look at these two to prepare yourself for the next funny.
funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

I still need to get a post or few up about Ben's going away party Friday evening, but Ben had a going away party Friday evening. I'm sure several people (including Ben) felt this way Saturday morning:
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Have a good week at work. In these tough economic times, bosses and the corporate overlords executives are likely to think favorably about the peon employee who makes a serious effort to constrain costs...
speed racer
see more Lol Celebs

And this device might help you meet the above objective. Just sayin...
Yes this is a real product.

The Study Ball gadget is a prison-style ball and chain that you can program to keep track of how much time you spend studying. Once you’ve selected the desired duration, you chain the ball to your ankle and the manacle won’t come off until the schedule study time is up.
Not clear whether there's a corporate version with a twelve-hour minimum, as opposed to the student version with a four-hour maximum.

1 comment:

Darius Whiteplume said...

Funny stuff, as always.