Monday, October 13, 2008

Double Check...

your registration (Oregon only). Tomorrow is the last day to register to vote in Oregon. I received part one of my Voter Pamphlet on Saturday, so I figured I was registered. But no harm in double checking, right? Well, a word to the wise: if you're not paying attention and get your first and last names in backwards positions, you might be in for a little shock. Just sayin'.

But I am registered. You should be too. (Registration info here, but hurry- you have less than 24 hours. Actually, it needs to be postmarked by tomorrow, so mailing it before midnight should get it.)

News notes today: Washington (state) is anticipating a voter turnout in the 83% range. I'd sure like to see Oregon beat that. Also the Oregon Legislature has proposed a bill to return to registration as late as election day- which was the case up to 1986. If passed by the leg, it would need to be approved by voters as a measure.

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